md.emotion.exact = "fear" md.gender.exact = "female" md.age_group.exact = "middle-age" md.picture_group.exact = "a"

FACES is a set of images of naturalistic faces of 171 young (n = 58), middle-aged (n = 56), and older (n = 57) women and men displaying each of six facial expressions: neutrality, sadness, disgust, fear, anger, and happiness. This is a public preview of the FACES collection. Research-related publication and display of the corresponding photographs are permitted for the purpose of illustrating research methodology. However, if you plan to use the corresponding objects for such purposes, please register for FACES and send the FACES Platform Release Agreement (with a short description of how you plan to use the publicly available objects) to the FACES Technical Agent. To view the complete collection, please log in.
Authors Natalie C. Ebner (1), Michaela Riediger (1), Ulman Lindenberger (1) Affiliations 1. Center for Lifespan Psychology, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Max Planck Society
Cite as Ebner, Natalie C., Riediger, Michaela, Lindenberger, Ulman. (2018). FACES: A database of facial expressions in young, middle-aged, and older women and men (publicly available datasets). Max Planck Society. Number of items in this collection 1 Creation date Thu Jan 18 12:25:20 CET 2018 Last modification date Wed May 20 17:10:46 CEST 2020 Date of publication Thu Jan 18 13:22:42 CET 2018 Permalink QR-code
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    FACES: A database of facial expressions in young, middle-aged, and older women and men (publicly available datasets)
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